- Log in to the Azure portal at https://portal.azure.com ➢ enter Batch accounts in the search box ➢ select Batch Accounts from the results ➢ click the + Create button ➢ select the subscription and resource group into which you want to create the Batch account ➢ enter an account name (I used brainjammer) ➢ select a location ➢ select a storage account (consider using the one from Exercise 3.1) ➢ click the Review + Create button ➢ and then click Create.
- Once the resource is provisioned, navigate to the Azure Batch blade ➢ select Pools from the navigation menu ➢ click the + Add button ➢ enter a pool ID (I used brainwaves) ➢ select microsoftwindowsserver from the Publisher drop‐down ➢ select windowsserver from the Offer drop‐down ➢ select 2022‐datacenter‐core‐smalldisk from the Sku drop‐down ➢ select Standard A1_v2 from the VM Size drop‐down ➢ enter 2 in the Targeted Dedicated Nodes text box ➢ leave all other options as default ➢ and then click OK. Figure 6.6 illustrates an example of the configuration.
FIGURE 6.6 Azure Batch account and pool configuration
- Navigate to the configured storage account from step 1 ➢ select the ADLS container (I used brainjammer) ➢ click the + Add Directory button ➢ enter BatchJobs as the name ➢ click Save ➢ select the BatchJobs folder ➢ click the + Add Directory button ➢ enter Exercise6.1 as the name ➢ click Save ➢ download the brainjammer‐batch.zip file from the Chapter06/Ch06Ex01 folder on GitHub at https://github.com/benperk/ADE ➢ extract the contents on your local machine ➢ edit the run.txt file (notice that the run.txt file runs the brainjammer‐batch.exe) ➢ and then update the five arguments passed to it.
• Replace with the Azure Storage Account you created in Exercise 3.1.
• Replace with the ADLS container you created in Exercise 3.1.
• Replace with the path to the JSON brain wave files you want to process.
• Replace with the path into which you want to store the batch job output files.
• Replace with your storage account access key from the storage account you created in Exercise 3.1. - The following is an example of how the arguments might look. Note that the arguments are separated by a single space. The content text must be on a single line; the line is broken here due to book formatting.
brainjammer-batch.exe csharpguitar brainjammer SessionJson/ClassicalMusic/POW
EMEA/brainjammer/in D4yx3uLjpPjEa0…==
- Save and close the run.txt file ➢ rename the run.txt file to run.bat ➢ and then upload all the contents (16 files) to the Exercise6.1 directory you created in step 3.